Have you visited the exhibition “Diamonds with Stories”?

Imagem da notícia: Have you visited the exhibition “Diamonds with Stories”?

Since the inauguration of the exhibition “Diamonds with Stories”, last February 6th , which will remain open until March 31st at Jewellers Tavares’ Espaço d’Ouro Gallery, many visitors have been surprised and excited by this show. This event brings to light the fascinating stories of some of the most famous diamonds in the world, and features some episodes of world history associated with these gems.

The star of this exhibition is “Hope”, the most famous coloured diamond of the world due to its association to the idea of a “curse”. It was owned by the French court and it became known as the French Blue that King Louis XVI gave to his bride Maria Antonieta at the time of their wedding. In the 20th century it was acquired by Edward Beale McLean who offered it to his wife, Evalyn Walsh McLean who, despite not believing in the “curse” of the diamond, had a life marked by misfortune: the first son died in a car accident, her husband abandoned her, the family business went bankrupt, the daughter died of an overdose and a grandson was killed in the Vietnam war.

25 de February, 2018
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